Earthing System Testing

The importance and complexity of earthing systems has significantly changed in recent years Zero Sequence Earthing is here to simplify and ensure you meet your regulatory obligations with respect to earthing system safety.

Earth testing – applying the correct earth test for a given earthing system is how ZS Earthing differentiates itself. We apply our base, intermediate and advanced testing product range, to provide  a full suite of earthing testing services. You can rely on Zero Sequence Earthing to provide you with the right testing, the first time.

  • Soil resistivity testing
  • Resistance measurement
  • Continuity and loop impedance testing
  • Current Injection Testing, including step and touch voltage compliance assessment;

We incorporate both Australian standards, international standards and guides to the application of our earth testing, covering MV, HV and EHV systems. Our specialist experience extends to the mining sectors having worked across mining (surface and underground) utility, transport, industrial and generation sectors for many years.


We deliver on what others only promise